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Frequently Asked Questions 

Who Is EstateBox For?

Isn’t estate planning just for retired people?

Estate planning is important for everyone, no matter their age. If you’re a student living away from home or a single person, will your next of kin know where all your assets are located?


The truth is, life can bring unexpected events that no one is able to anticipate. EstateBox helps keep you organized while you live your life to the fullest and helps make life easier for those who end up settling your estate one day.


Is it worth setting up an EstateBox if I don’t have a lot of important papers?

You might have more important papers and assets than you think. Digital assets are an often overlooked yet important part of an estate. Everything from audiobooks to credit card reward points can add up to be of significant value. Photos or home videos you have stored in the cloud are priceless but equally important when building your legacy.


An EstateBox is also more than just planning for the future. Our life planning features ensure you don’t miss important deadlines like passport or mortgage renewals.


Why have estate plans when Canada doesn’t have estate taxes?

While Canada doesn’t have the same estate tax regime as the U.S, there are three general types of tax that become payable upon death that you should be aware of. The three to know are: income tax in the year of death, 50% tax upon gains of property sold upon death (it’s all deemed to be), and registered funds deemed to be unregistered upon death. All of these added together can prove to be sizable, so planning will help in making sure the estate can handle the expense.

Getting Started

Is it a complicated process to set up an EstateBox?

Our guided questionnaire will only ask relevant questions based on your previous profile answers which makes the setup process nice and simple.


How do I add physical documents to my EstateBox if it’s a virtual box?

We recommend that you scan your documents to your desktop, then upload them into each asset page. Don’t forget to delete the scanned document from your desktop- this is a good security practice to ensure your details stay secure!


What devices are compatible with EstateBox?

EstateBox can be used on any web browser, on whatever device you prefer to use. However, we do recommend a larger screen like a tablet or computer as it’s easier to input and view information this way. Mobile capabilities are in our roadmap- stay tuned!


Is it okay if I leave out information I’m not comfortable uploading?

You’re fully in control of your EstateBox which means you upload whatever you want to keep in your virtual box.


Do I still need a lawyer if I use EstateBox to plan my estate?

While EstateBox can make life a lot easier for those settling your estate, it doesn't take the place of a lawyer. Information on the website should not be considered investment, legal, accounting, financial, tax, estate planning or other professional advice.


Can I set up an EstateBox on behalf of someone else who may not be very tech savvy?

We’re currently not set up to create credentials for anyone other than the EstateBox owner but you can certainly help your loved one set up their own account and compile their information.


How should I enter valuables that are jointly owned with my spouse?

Enter them in your EstateBox, but make a note that they are jointly held. Some valuables may have monetary value and would be distributed as part of your estate, but others may have sentimental value and you may have a specific wish as to where they go. For example, diamond jewelry may need to be distributed under your will, but your collection of German beer mugs may be easily given to your great-nephew.

Managing Your EstateBox

How do I add a person to my account?

When you add a contact for the first time, start typing their name in the “add a person” field, then an option to “add” will pop up below. Click on “add” to fill out more details for this contact.


How do I update information in my EstateBox that’s now outdated?

To update your EstateBox you can either overwrite a field or delete it entirely using the garbage can icon.


What happens to the information in an EstateBox when someone passes away?

When someone who has an EstateBox passes away, a delegate will need to email us at Once they email in, we’ll ask them for evidence to confirm the death before they’re able to see any information in the EstateBox.


How can I reset my password?

To reset your password, simply click forgot password? on the login screen. Then enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password.

Please keep in mind that if you’ve signed up using a Google account, you won’t receive a password reset email from us. In this case, you will need to reset your password on their website.


What should I do if I signed up but haven’t received a confirmation email?

If you haven’t received your confirmation email, have a look in your junk folder. If you still aren’t finding it, please contact


Can I use EstateBox if I don’t live in Canada?

At this point, EstateBox is only available for people who live in Canada as our security and privacy measures are based around Canadians.


How do I update or change my credit card information?

To update your credit card information, log into your EstateBox, go to Setting, click on “Subscription” and input your new credit card information.


I have an idea for a feature I’d like to see on the platform. Who should I contact?

We love getting feedback from our users! If you have an idea you’d like to see, please get in touch with us at

Security and Privacy

What security measures are in place to keep my information safe?

We use military-grade encryption and industry-leading technologies such as permission settings, AES-256 encryption, SSO enabled, and TLS 1.2 protocols for the transfer of sensitive information.


Can EstateBox employees see my information?

All sensitive information is encrypted and cannot be accessed by EstateBox employees.


Can I control who has access to certain documents and information?

Whether it’s your lawyer, financial advisor, or a family member, you control who accesses and views your information. We recommend you only share your EstateBox with people you trust.


How much does EstateBox cost?

EstateBox is currently available for individuals and businesses. An individual subscription is $12.99/month plus tax. For more information on business subscriptions, please contact us at


How will I be billed for my EstateBox? Is it monthly or yearly?

We break down our pricing by monthly costs but our subscriptions are billed once a year.


Does my subscription automatically renew every year?

Your subscription will automatically renew unless you let us know you’d like to cancel.


How do I cancel my subscription?

You may cancel your subscription at any time by emailing and stating you’d like your subscription to end.


What happens to my information if I cancel my subscription?

There are two possibilities when you cancel your EstateBox subscription.


1) You can request your information be deleted by emailing and we will delete it from our system.


2) If you cancel your subscription but don’t request your information be deleted, it will stay in our system for 3 months. Should you decide to rejoin your information will still be there. In the event you don’t rejoin, your data will be deleted after 3 months. We encourage you to print the records you had stored in your EstateBox.

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